A Hip Haiku
by Reem, copyright 1999Haiku poetry!
That is the way I can win
Pine Knob Hip tickets.
Studio albums,
The Hip recorded seven
And one live concert.
It was at Cobo.
My friends and I did not go.
We found out too late.
We were frustrated.
It would not happen again.
Next show, we were there.
December last year,
We stood in line for tickets
Outside in the cold.
The Hip were coming!
We sought four floor seats! Oh joy!
Palace, here we come!
But forty dollars
Canadian per ticket?
Blame poor exchange rates.
Waited with patience
For February to come.
The 12th was the day.
We would see the band:
The Gords, Downie and Sinclair
Johnny, Rob and Paul.
Was slippery that cold night,
But we made it there...
Just in time to see
Gord and co. behind thousands
Of heads and bodies.
Floor seats? Ha! Can't see!
The view was blocked from back here!
So, I sang loudly.
It was done too soon;
Went home with Hip songs ringing
In my happy ears.
Soon Pine Knob, they said.
But my friends and I said no,
That lousy exchange!
Then two weeks ago,
You, Vertical, said there was
A chance to be Hip;
And to take photos?
I could not believe my ears!
I had to win this...
For my friend Sarah.
She, who works two crappy jobs,
Could not afford it.
A trip to Europe
To work, she's planned. Camera?
I'd give it to her!
So you see my point?
She's going away, and this,
This would be my gift.
A night of the Hip,
With a camera in hand?
What could be better?